Aspiring Minds has announced National Employability Award 2013 for top engineering colleges nationally or in their respective state.
The purpose of the awards started in 2012 by Aspiring Minds is to recognize those colleges whose students are highly employable by the industry. The award is on basis of the employability of students, i.e. how ready are the final year students of the college to takeup and succeed in various roles in the industry. Aspiring Minds is the leader in quantifying employability in India and publishes the Annual National Employability Report for Engineers every year. What sets this award apart from any other college award or rankibng is that it is based on an objective measurement of outcome rather than a subjective evaluation of input parameters such as infrastructure, number/quality of teachers, etc. It is based on the performance of the students of the class of 2013 in AMCAT, India's largest employability test. Based on the objective scores, the employability of the students was analyzed in the IT and engineering sectors, which formed the basis of the awards.
This year a total of 45 colleges amongst the top 10% of colleges in India, or in their respective states, were awarded out of more than 3000 engineering colleges across the Nation. For more details on the names of award winners please click here.